Environmental Solutions

Environmental Solutions

As your ship chandler in Egypt, we understand the ever-evolving environmental and safety landscape in maritime operations. Our dedicated “Environmental Solutions” service empowers Owner/Operator’s Technical Departments to navigate these waters with confidence and compliance.

Environmental Solutions

From Bilge Water Treatment to Oil Spill Response:

  • Sludge Removal: We ensure proper disposal of oily sludge, protecting your vessels and the environment.
  • Garbage Disposal: Let us handle your waste sustainably, streamlining onboard procedures and adhering to port regulations.
  • Bilge Water Treatment: Our efficient treatment methods ensure compliant discharge and minimize environmental impact.
  • Slop Disposal: We navigate complex slop regulations, guaranteeing safe and legal disposal.
  • Tank Cleaning: Our expertise ensures thorough and safe tank cleaning, maximizing tank efficiency and minimizing environmental risks.
  • Oil Spill Response: In case of emergencies, we’re equipped to provide rapid and effective spill containment and cleanup.

Sameh Marine goes beyond compliance, fostering environmentally responsible practices:

  • Waste minimization guidance: We help you optimize onboard operations to reduce waste generation.
  • Environmentally friendly alternatives: We offer eco-conscious products and services to minimize your environmental footprint.
  • Collaborative compliance: We work closely with regulatory bodies to ensure smooth vessel inspections and operations.

With Sameh Marine's Environmental Solutions, you can:

  • Maintain vessel compliance with environmental regulations.
  • Minimize environmental impact and protect sensitive marine ecosystems.
  • Reduce operational costs through efficient waste management.
  • Enhance your brand image as a responsible maritime operator in Egypt.

Contact Sameh Marine today and chart a course towards sustainable and compliant maritime operations in Egypt.

Environmental Solutions